Lunes, Oktubre 6, 2014

Friendship Breakers

               Friendship is when you consider other person's well-being to be as valuable as your own. Friendship means having a bond like no other. And as in any relationship even you don't want to happen you and your gal pals will face several setbacks in your friendship.               There are several friendship breakers. One of the friendship breaker is moving away from each other. It is when your friend will study in a different school or in a different country. Getting in touch with each other is difficult especially if you live in different time zones. Another friendship breaker is liking the same guy. In this situation two close friends who have the same love interest usually choose their friendship over their feelings. Next friendship breaker is making big and small mistakes like spilling a secret, forgetting to greet her on her birthday and some misunderstandings. Other friendship breaker is having different interests. And lastly backstabbing likely it's the most cause of friendship over. It's when you thought you two were perfectly fine but then you hear she's been telling others negative things about you.
            But a strong friendship doesn't need daily conversation, doesn't always need togetherness. As long as true relationship lives in the heart true friends will never a part. You will understand each others side , owning up to your mistake and saying sorry are the simplest and best ways to mend friendship gaps.

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